Enchanting Nepal

  • Nepal_Grand_Tour_Package
  • Nepal-Tour-Packages

An entrancing mix of antiquated design with the clamouring club, Kathmandu is the slope realm’s social focus. Abounding with a portion of the world’s most complicatedly fabricated landmarks, Kathmandu gives you a look into a generally obscure world. Proceed onward to Pokhara, with its magnificent bars around the tranquil lake. Shocking vistas all around of Himalayan pinnacles, this here is Shangri-La in itself. Time moves very soon here in this intriguing area, however, hope to end up arranging another visit before you leave.


Day 1: Kathmandu Arrival

As your flying machine arrives in Tribhuwan International Airport, our agent will get you and help you to move into your preferred inn. After a brief rest, we will begin the visit by visiting Kirtipur which is a little yet noteworthy town arranged in the southwest of Kathmandu on a peak. The notable town has numerous things to offers which incorporate old places of worship, sanctuaries and conventional Newari houses. Drive back to Kathmandu for medium-term remain.


Day 2: Drive to Chitwan

Promptly toward the beginning of the day in the wake of eating we will desert Kathmandu us and drive for Chitwan National Park. While in transit to Chitwan, you can do discretionary whitewater boating trip. Shifting back and forth between stretches of quiet gliding and exciting whitewater rapids, the excursion finishes after 3-4hours in the town of Mugling Bazaar. From here you can proceed with the drive to Chitwan National Park. After looking into the lodging we will continue for Tharu town visit.


Day 3: Explore Chitwan National Park

Chitwan National Park before used to be an imperial chasing save arranged in the swamp of Terai zone in southern Nepal. It gives living space to a phenomenal scope of the world’s rarest wild creatures and local and transitory flying creatures. We will begin the visit with fledgeling viewing, trailed by wilderness safari on elephant back and kayak ride. At night we will appreciate the Tharu social show.


Day 4: Drive to Lumbini

After eating we head toward the fields in southern Nepal to Lumbini which is the origin of Lord Buddha. The key fascination of Lumbini is the holy nursery, Maya Devi Temple and Ashok column which is raised by Emperor Ashok in 249BC.


Day 5: Drive to Pokhara

Promptly toward the beginning of the day in the wake of eating we will begin a beautiful drive to Pokhara. Pokhara is arranged 200km west of Kathmandu at the elevation of 827m from the ocean level. Pokhara is one of the most beautiful spots of the nation whose magnificence is improved by the pools of Phewa, Begnas and Rupa.


Day 6: Drive to Sarankot

We will get up promptly toward the beginning of the day and drive to Sarankot to see the dawn over the eminently snowcapped Himalayas. Sarankot arranged in the elevation of 1500m from the ocean level gives you an alternative of paragliding over the lake city. Later we will drive back to lodging and eat. After breakfast, we will embark for city visit and visit places like David’s fall, Gupteshwor cavern and Tibetan displaced person camp. Remain medium-term at inn in Pokhara.


Day 7: Drive back to Kathmandu

In the wake of eating we will drive back to Kathmandu by an overland mentor which takes around 6hours. Upon appearance, to Kathmandu, we will register to the inn and the night is free you can either do family shopping or simply unwind in the lodging.


Day 8: Drive to Nagarkot

We will begin the day by visiting Swoyambhunath stupa which is arranged in the ridge in the west of Kathmandu. Usually called the monkey sanctuary, the stupa offers the bewildering perspective on Kathmandu valley. From here we will drive towards the medieval city of Bhaktapur which is the home of medieval craftsmanship and engineering. The primary square contains endless sanctuary and other engineering show-stoppers like Lion Gate, a statue to King Bhupatindra Malla, Golden Gate, and the royal residence with 55windows, Batsaka Temple and the ringer of yapping hounds. At night we will drive towards Nagarkot which is arranged 32km east of Kathmandu in the elevation of 2175m. From here one can see Mt Everest on a sunny morning. Remain medium-term at inn in Nagarkot.


Day 9: Drive to Kathmandu

We will get up promptly in the first part of the day for the tremendous perspective on the rising sun. As the main beams of the sun strike into the pinnacles a shocking red shading gradually helps the entire Himalaya go from Kanchanjunga and Everest in the east to Annapurna and Dhawalagiri in the west. After this, drive back to Kathmandu. Toward the evening we will visit Patan Durbar Square which is arranged in the southern region of the city. The square is dabbed with old royal residences, sanctuaries and holy places which are known for their collectable and impeccable carvings.


Day 10: Departure

You will be moved to Tribhuwan International air terminal for your ahead voyage.


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